The 2018 Convention was held in Welwyn Garden City and hosted by the London Group. Dave Armitage was the President. Video/audio links to some of the presentations given at Convention can be found below:- Toronto Military History - Charles Livermore President, Dave Armitage Brian Stalker kept us entertained with tales of Newfoundland railways There was some suggestion that the bus used for the trips could have been more modern John Cooper was delighted to discover that the Shuttleworth Aircraft Collection had some of his bombs Dr. Joachim Frank treated us to a superb display of Boer War postal history John Cooper displayed his gold medal winning 'Canada 1935 issue' material - plate blocks galore! Charles Verge and Kathy Hartley speaking on the Vincent Graves Greene Foundation and it's work. Ann Newton, Sue Spring, Susan Upham and Carlie-Jean Godfrey President, Dave Armitage (centre) flanked by Vice President, Greg Spring and his wife Sue and guest of honour Alan Moorcroft and his wife.
Last updated on 14 January, 2019 |
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